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29 Modules [ES6]

29.1 Cheat sheet: modules

29.1.1 Named exports, named imports, namespace imports

If we put export in front of a named entity inside a module, it becomes a named export of that module. All other entities are private to the module.

//===== lib1.mjs =====
// Named exports
export const one = 1, two = 2;
export function myFunc() {
  return 3;
//===== main1a.mjs =====
// Named imports
import {one, myFunc as f} from './lib1.mjs';
assert.equal(one, 1);
assert.equal(f(), 3);

// Namespace import
import * as lib1 from './lib1.mjs';
assert.equal(lib1.one, 1);
assert.equal(lib1.myFunc(), 3);

The string after from is called a module specifier. It identifies from which module we want to import.

29.1.2 Dynamic imports

So far, all imports we have seen were static, with the following constraints:

Dynamic imports via import() [ES2020] don’t have those constraints:

//===== main1b.mjs =====
function importLibrary(moduleSpecifier) {
  return import(moduleSpecifier)
  .then((lib1) => {
    assert.equal(lib1.one, 1);
    assert.equal(lib1.myFunc(), 3);
await importLibrary('./lib1.mjs');

29.1.3 Default exports and imports

A default export is mainly used when a module only contains a single entity (even though it can be combined with named exports).

//===== lib2a.mjs =====
export default function getHello() {
  return 'hello';

A default export is the exception to the rule that function declarations always have names: In the previous example, we can omit the name getHello.

//===== lib2b.mjs =====
export default 123; // (A) instead of `const`

There can be at most one default export. That’s why const or let can’t be default-exported (line A).

//===== main2.mjs =====
import lib2a from './lib2a.mjs';
assert.equal(lib2a(), 'hello');

import lib2b from './lib2b.mjs';
assert.equal(lib2b, 123);

29.1.4 Kinds of module specifiers

There are three kinds of module specifiers:

29.2 JavaScript source code formats

The current landscape of JavaScript modules is quite diverse: ES6 brought built-in modules, but the source code formats that came before them, are still around, too. Understanding the latter helps understand the former, so let’s investigate. The next sections describe the following ways of delivering JavaScript source code:

Table 29.1 gives an overview of these code formats. Note that for CommonJS modules and ECMAScript modules, two filename extensions are commonly used. Which one is appropriate depends on how we want to use a file. Details are given later in this chapter.

Runs onLoadedFilename ext.
CommonJS moduleserverssync.js .cjs
AMD modulebrowsersasync.js
ECMAScript modulebrowsers and serversasync.js .mjs

Table 29.1: Ways of delivering JavaScript source code.

29.2.1 Code before built-in modules was written in ECMAScript 5

Before we get to built-in modules (which were introduced with ES6), all code that we’ll see, will be written in ES5. Among other things:

29.3 Before we had modules, we had scripts

Initially, browsers only had scripts – pieces of code that were executed in global scope. As an example, consider an HTML file that loads script files via the following HTML:

<script src="other-module1.js"></script>
<script src="other-module2.js"></script>
<script src="my-module.js"></script>

The main file is my-module.js, where we simulate a module:

var myModule = (function () { // Open IIFE
  // Imports (via global variables)
  var importedFunc1 = otherModule1.importedFunc1;
  var importedFunc2 = otherModule2.importedFunc2;

  // Body
  function internalFunc() {
    // ···
  function exportedFunc() {

  // Exports (assigned to global variable `myModule`)
  return {
    exportedFunc: exportedFunc,
})(); // Close IIFE

myModule is a global variable that is assigned the result of immediately invoking a function expression. The function expression starts in the first line. It is invoked in the last line.

This way of wrapping a code fragment is called immediately invoked function expression (IIFE, coined by Ben Alman). What do we gain from an IIFE? var is not block-scoped (like const and let), it is function-scoped: the only way to create new scopes for var-declared variables is via functions or methods (with const and let, we can use either functions, methods, or blocks {}). Therefore, the IIFE in the example hides all of the following variables from global scope and minimizes name clashes: importedFunc1, importedFunc2, internalFunc, exportedFunc.

Note that we are using an IIFE in a particular manner: at the end, we pick what we want to export and return it via an object literal. That is called the revealing module pattern (coined by Christian Heilmann).

This way of simulating modules, has several issues:

29.4 Module systems created prior to ES6

Prior to ECMAScript 6, JavaScript did not have built-in modules. Therefore, the flexible syntax of the language was used to implement custom module systems within the language. Two popular ones are:

29.4.1 Server side: CommonJS modules

The original CommonJS standard for modules was created for server and desktop platforms. It was the foundation of the original Node.js module system, where it achieved enormous popularity. Contributing to that popularity were the npm package manager for Node and tools that enabled using Node modules on the client side (browserify, webpack, and others).

From now on, CommonJS module means the Node.js version of this standard (which has a few additional features). This is an example of a CommonJS module:

// Imports
var importedFunc1 = require('./other-module1.js').importedFunc1;
var importedFunc2 = require('./other-module2.js').importedFunc2;

// Body
function internalFunc() {
  // ···
function exportedFunc() {

// Exports
module.exports = {
  exportedFunc: exportedFunc,

CommonJS can be characterized as follows:

29.4.2 Client side: AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) modules

The AMD module format was created to be easier to use in browsers than the CommonJS format. Its most popular implementation is RequireJS. The following is an example of an AMD module.

define(['./other-module1.js', './other-module2.js'],
  function (otherModule1, otherModule2) {
    var importedFunc1 = otherModule1.importedFunc1;
    var importedFunc2 = otherModule2.importedFunc2;

    function internalFunc() {
      // ···
    function exportedFunc() {
    return {
      exportedFunc: exportedFunc,

AMD can be characterized as follows:

On the plus side, AMD modules can be executed directly. In contrast, CommonJS modules must either be compiled before deployment or custom source code must be generated and evaluated dynamically (think eval()). That isn’t always permitted on the web.

29.4.3 Characteristics of JavaScript modules

Looking at CommonJS and AMD, similarities between JavaScript module systems emerge:

29.5 ECMAScript modules

ECMAScript modules (ES modules or ESM) were introduced with ES6. They continue the tradition of JavaScript modules and have all of their aforementioned characteristics. Additionally:

ES modules also have new benefits:

This is an example of ES module syntax:

import {importedFunc1} from './other-module1.mjs';
import {importedFunc2} from './other-module2.mjs';

function internalFunc() {

export function exportedFunc() {

From now on, “module” means “ECMAScript module”.

29.5.1 ES modules: syntax, semantics, loader API

The full standard of ES modules comprises the following parts:

  1. Syntax (how code is written): What is a module? How are imports and exports declared? Etc.
  2. Semantics (how code is executed): How are variable bindings exported? How are imports connected with exports? Etc.
  3. A programmatic loader API for configuring module loading.

Parts 1 and 2 were introduced with ES6. Work on part 3 is ongoing.

29.6 Named exports and imports

29.6.1 Named exports

Each module can have zero or more named exports.

As an example, consider the following two files:


Module my-math.mjs has two named exports: square and LIGHTSPEED.

// Not exported, private to module
function times(a, b) {
  return a * b;
export function square(x) {
  return times(x, x);
export const LIGHTSPEED = 299792458;

To export something, we put the keyword export in front of a declaration. Entities that are not exported are private to a module and can’t be accessed from outside.

29.6.2 Named imports

Module main.mjs has a single named import, square:

import {square} from './lib/my-math.mjs';
assert.equal(square(3), 9);

It can also rename its import:

import {square as sq} from './lib/my-math.mjs';
assert.equal(sq(3), 9); Syntactic pitfall: named importing is not destructuring

Both named importing and destructuring look similar:

import {foo} from './bar.mjs'; // import
const {foo} = require('./bar.mjs'); // destructuring

But they are quite different:

Icon “exercise”Exercise: Named exports


29.6.3 Namespace imports

Namespace imports are an alternative to named imports. If we namespace-import a module, it becomes an object whose properties are the named exports. This is what main.mjs looks like if we use a namespace import:

import * as myMath from './lib/my-math.mjs';
assert.equal(myMath.square(3), 9);

  Object.keys(myMath), ['LIGHTSPEED', 'square']);

29.6.4 Named exporting styles: inline versus clause (advanced)

The named export style we have seen so far was inline: We exported entities by prefixing them with the keyword export.

But we can also use separate export clauses. For example, this is what lib/my-math.mjs looks like with an export clause:

function times(a, b) {
  return a * b;
function square(x) {
  return times(x, x);
const LIGHTSPEED = 299792458;

export { square, LIGHTSPEED }; // semicolon!

With an export clause, we can rename before exporting and use different names internally:

function times(a, b) {
  return a * b;
function sq(x) {
  return times(x, x);
const LS = 299792458;

export {
  sq as square,
  LS as LIGHTSPEED, // trailing comma is optional

29.7 Default exports and imports

Each module can have at most one default export. The idea is that the module is the default-exported value.

Icon “tip”Avoid mixing named exports and default exports

A module can have both named exports and a default export, but it’s usually better to stick to one export style per module.

As an example for default exports, consider the following two files:


Module my-func.mjs has a default export:

const GREETING = 'Hello!';
export default function () {
  return GREETING;

Module main.mjs default-imports the exported function:

import myFunc from './my-func.mjs';
assert.equal(myFunc(), 'Hello!');

Note the syntactic difference: the curly braces around named imports indicate that we are reaching into the module, while a default import is the module.

Icon “question”What are use cases for default exports?

The most common use case for a default export is a module that contains a single function or a single class.

29.7.1 The two styles of default-exporting

There are two styles of doing default exports.

First, we can label existing declarations with export default:

export default function myFunc() {} // no semicolon!
export default class MyClass {} // no semicolon!

Second, we can directly default-export values. This style of export default is much like a declaration.

export default myFunc; // defined elsewhere
export default MyClass; // defined previously
export default Math.sqrt(2); // result of invocation is default-exported
export default 'abc' + 'def';
export default { no: false, yes: true }; Why are there two default export styles?

The reason is that export default can’t be used to label const: const may define multiple values, but export default needs exactly one value. Consider the following hypothetical code:

// Not legal JavaScript!
export default const foo = 1, bar = 2, baz = 3;

With this code, we don’t know which one of the three values is the default export.

Icon “exercise”Exercise: Default exports


29.7.2 The default export as a named export (advanced)

Internally, a default export is simply a named export whose name is default. As an example, consider the previous module my-func.mjs with a default export:

const GREETING = 'Hello!';
export default function () {
  return GREETING;

The following module my-func2.mjs is equivalent to that module:

const GREETING = 'Hello!';
function greet() {
  return GREETING;

export {
  greet as default,

For importing, we can use a normal default import:

import myFunc from './my-func2.mjs';
assert.equal(myFunc(), 'Hello!');

Or we can use a named import:

import {default as myFunc} from './my-func2.mjs';
assert.equal(myFunc(), 'Hello!');

The default export is also available via property .default of namespace imports:

import * as mf from './my-func2.mjs';
assert.equal(mf.default(), 'Hello!');

Icon “question”Isn’t default illegal as a variable name?

default can’t be a variable name, but it can be an export name and it can be a property name:

const obj = {
  default: 123,
assert.equal(obj.default, 123);

29.8 Re-exporting

A module library.mjs can export one or more exports of another module internal.mjs as if it had made them itself. That is called re-exporting.

//===== internal.mjs =====
export function internalFunc() {}
export const INTERNAL_DEF = 'hello';
export default 123;
//===== library.mjs =====
// Named re-export [ES6]
export {internalFunc as func, INTERNAL_DEF as DEF} from './internal.mjs';
// Wildcard re-export [ES6]
export * from './internal.mjs';
// Namespace re-export [ES2020]
export * as ns from './internal.mjs';

The following code demonstrates the two bullet points above:

//===== main.mjs =====
import * as library from './library.mjs';

  ['DEF', 'INTERNAL_DEF', 'func', 'internalFunc', 'ns']
  ['INTERNAL_DEF', 'default', 'internalFunc']

29.9 More details on exporting and importing

29.9.1 Imports are read-only views on exports

So far, we have used imports and exports intuitively, and everything seems to have worked as expected. But now it is time to take a closer look at how imports and exports are really related.

Consider the following two modules:


counter.mjs exports a (mutable!) variable and a function:

export let counter = 3;
export function incCounter() {

main.mjs name-imports both exports. When we use incCounter(), we discover that the connection to counter is live – we can always access the live state of that variable:

import { counter, incCounter } from './counter.mjs';

// The imported value `counter` is live
assert.equal(counter, 3);
assert.equal(counter, 4);

Note that while the connection is live and we can read counter, we cannot change this variable (e.g., via counter++).

There are two benefits to handling imports this way:

29.9.2 ESM’s transparent support for cyclic imports (advanced)

ESM supports cyclic imports transparently. To understand how that is achieved, consider the following example: figure 29.1 shows a directed graph of modules importing other modules. P importing M is the cycle in this case.

Figure 29.1: A directed graph of modules importing modules: M imports N and O, N imports P and Q, etc.

After parsing, these modules are set up in two phases:

This approach handles cyclic imports correctly, due to two features of ES modules:

29.10 npm packages

The npm software registry is the dominant way of distributing JavaScript libraries and apps for Node.js and web browsers. It is managed via the npm package manager (short: npm). Software is distributed as so-called packages. A package is a directory containing arbitrary files and a file package.json at the top level that describes the package. For example, when npm creates an empty package inside a directory my-package/, we get this package.json:

  "name": "my-package",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC"

Some of these properties contain simple metadata:

Other properties enable advanced configuration:

For more information on package.json, consult the npm documentation.

29.10.1 Packages are installed inside a directory node_modules/

npm always installs packages inside a directory node_modules. There are usually many of these directories. Which one npm uses, depends on the directory where one currently is. For example, if we are inside a directory /tmp/a/b/, npm tries to find a node_modules in the current directory, its parent directory, the parent directory of the parent, etc. In other words, it searches the following chain of locations:

When installing a package some-pkg, npm uses the closest node_modules. If, for example, we are inside /tmp/a/b/ and there is a node_modules in that directory, then npm puts the package inside the directory:


When importing a module, we can use a special module specifier to tell Node.js that we want to import it from an installed package. How exactly that works, is explained later. For now, consider the following example:

// /home/jane/proj/main.mjs
import * as theModule from 'the-package/the-module.mjs';

To find the-module.mjs (Node.js prefers the filename extension .mjs for ES modules), Node.js walks up the node_module chain and searches the following locations:

29.10.2 Why can npm be used to install frontend libraries?

Finding installed modules in node_modules directories is only supported on Node.js. So why can we also use npm to install libraries for browsers?

That is enabled via bundling tools, such as webpack, that compile and optimize code before it is deployed online. During this compilation process, the code in npm packages is adapted so that it works in browsers.

29.11 Naming modules

There are no established best practices for naming module files and the variables they are imported into.

In this chapter, I’m using the following naming style:

What are the rationales behind this style?

I also like underscore-cased module file names because we can directly use these names for namespace imports (without any translation):

import * as my_module from './my_module.mjs';

But that style does not work for default imports: I like underscore-casing for namespace objects, but it is not a good choice for functions, etc.

29.12 Module specifiers

Module specifiers are the strings that identify modules. They work slightly differently in browsers and Node.js. Before we can look at the differences, we need to learn about the different categories of module specifiers.

29.12.1 Categories of module specifiers

In ES modules, we distinguish the following categories of specifiers. These categories originated with CommonJS modules.

29.12.2 ES module specifiers in browsers

Browsers handle module specifiers as follows:

Note that bundling tools such as webpack, which combine modules into fewer files, are often less strict with specifiers than browsers. That’s because they operate at build/compile time (not at runtime) and can search for files by traversing the file system.

29.12.3 ES module specifiers on Node.js

Node.js handles module specifiers as follows:

All specifiers, except bare paths, must refer to actual files. That is, ESM does not support the following CommonJS features:

All built-in Node.js modules are available via bare paths and have named ESM exports – for example:

import assert from 'node:assert/strict';
import * as path from 'node:path';

  path.join('a/b/c', '../d'), 'a/b/d'); Filename extensions on Node.js

Node.js supports the following default filename extensions:

The filename extension .js stands for either ESM or CommonJS. Which one it is is configured via the “closest” package.json (in the current directory, the parent directory, etc.). Using package.json in this manner is independent of packages.

In that package.json, there is a property "type", which has two settings: Interpreting non-file source code as either CommonJS or ESM

Not all source code executed by Node.js comes from files. We can also send it code via stdin, --eval, and --print. The command line option --input-type lets us specify how such code is interpreted:

29.13 import.meta – metadata for the current module [ES2020]

The object import.meta holds metadata for the current module.

29.13.1 import.meta.url

The most important property of import.meta is .url which contains a string with the URL of the current module’s file – for example:


29.13.2 import.meta.url and class URL

Class URL is available via a global variable in browsers and on Node.js. We can look up its full functionality in the Node.js documentation. When working with import.meta.url, its constructor is especially useful:

new URL(input: string, base?: string|URL)

Parameter input contains the URL to be parsed. It can be relative if the second parameter, base, is provided.

In other words, this constructor lets us resolve a relative path against a base URL:

> new URL('other.mjs', 'https://example.com/code/main.mjs').href
> new URL('../other.mjs', 'https://example.com/code/main.mjs').href

This is how we get a URL instance that points to a file data.txt that sits next to the current module:

const urlOfData = new URL('data.txt', import.meta.url);

29.13.3 import.meta.url on Node.js

On Node.js, import.meta.url is always a string with a file: URL – for example:

'file:///Users/rauschma/my-module.mjs' Example: reading a sibling file of a module

Many Node.js file system operations accept either strings with paths or instances of URL. That enables us to read a sibling file data.txt of the current module:

import * as fs from 'node:fs';
function readData() {
  // data.txt sits next to current module
  const urlOfData = new URL('data.txt', import.meta.url);
  return fs.readFileSync(urlOfData, {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
} Module fs and URLs

For most functions of the module fs, we can refer to files via:

For more information on this topic, see the Node.js API documentation. Converting between file: URLs and paths

The Node.js module url has two functions for converting between file: URLs and paths:

If we need a path that can be used in the local file system, then property .pathname of URL instances does not always work:

  new URL('file:///tmp/with%20space.txt').pathname,

Therefore, it is better to use fileURLToPath():

import * as url from 'node:url';
  '/tmp/with space.txt'); // result on Unix

Similarly, pathToFileURL() does more than just prepend 'file://' to an absolute path.

29.14 Loading modules dynamically via import() [ES2020] (advanced)

Icon “reading”The import() operator uses Promises

Promises are a technique for handling results that are computed asynchronously (i.e., not immediately). They are explained in “Promises for asynchronous programming” (§42). It may make sense to postpone reading this section until you understand them.

29.14.1 The limitations of static import statements

So far, the only way to import a module has been via an import statement. That statement has several limitations:

29.14.2 Dynamic imports via the import() operator

The import() operator doesn’t have the limitations of import statements. It looks like this:

.then((namespaceObject) => {

This operator is used like a function, receives a string with a module specifier and returns a Promise that resolves to a namespace object. The properties of that object are the exports of the imported module.

import() is even more convenient to use via await:

const namespaceObject = await import(moduleSpecifierStr);

Note that await can be used at the top levels of modules (see next section).

Let’s look at an example of using import(). Example: loading a module dynamically

Consider the following files:


We have already seen module my-math.mjs:

// Not exported, private to module
function times(a, b) {
  return a * b;
export function square(x) {
  return times(x, x);
export const LIGHTSPEED = 299792458;

We can use import() to load this module on demand:

// main1.mjs
const moduleSpecifier = './lib/my-math.mjs';

function mathOnDemand() {
  return import(moduleSpecifier)
  .then(myMath => {
    const result = myMath.LIGHTSPEED;
    assert.equal(result, 299792458);
    return result;

await mathOnDemand()
.then((result) => {
  assert.equal(result, 299792458);

Two things in this code can’t be done with import statements:

Next, we’ll implement the same functionality as in main1.mjs but via a feature called async function or async/await which provides nicer syntax for Promises.

// main2.mjs
const moduleSpecifier = './lib/my-math.mjs';

async function mathOnDemand() {
  const myMath = await import(moduleSpecifier);
  const result = myMath.LIGHTSPEED;
  assert.equal(result, 299792458);
  return result;

Icon “question”Why is import() an operator and not a function?

import() looks like a function but couldn’t be implemented as a function:

29.14.3 Use cases for import() Loading code on demand

Some functionality of web apps doesn’t have to be present when they start, it can be loaded on demand. Then import() helps because we can put such functionality into modules – for example:

button.addEventListener('click', event => {
    .then(dialogBox => {
    .catch(error => {
      /* Error handling */
}); Conditional loading of modules

We may want to load a module depending on whether a condition is true. For example, a module with a polyfill that makes a new feature available on legacy platforms:

if (isLegacyPlatform()) {
} Computed module specifiers

For applications such as internationalization, it helps if we can dynamically compute module specifiers:


29.15 Top-level await in modules [ES2022] (advanced)

Icon “reading”await is a feature of async functions

await is explained in “Async functions” (§43). It may make sense to postpone reading this section until you understand async functions.

We can use the await operator at the top level of a module. If we do that, the module becomes asynchronous and works differently. Thankfully, we don’t usually see that as programmers because it is handled transparently by the language.

29.15.1 Use cases for top-level await

Why would we want to use the await operator at the top level of a module? It lets us initialize a module with asynchronously loaded data. The next three subsections show three examples of where that is useful. Loading modules dynamically
const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
const language = params.get('lang');
const messages = await import(`./messages-${language}.mjs`); // (A)


In line A, we dynamically import a module. Thanks to top-level await, that is almost as convenient as using a normal, static import. Using a fallback if module loading fails
let mylib;
try {
  mylib = await import('https://primary.example.com/mylib');
} catch {
  mylib = await import('https://secondary.example.com/mylib');
} Using whichever resource loads fastest
const resource = await Promise.any([
    .then(response => response.text()),
    .then(response => response.text()),

Due to Promise.any(), variable resource is initialized via whichever download finishes first.

29.15.2 How does top-level await work under the hood?

Consider the following two files.


const response = await fetch('http://example.com/first.txt');
export const first = await response.text();


import {first} from './first.mjs';
import {second} from './second.mjs';
assert.equal(first, 'First!');
assert.equal(second, 'Second!');

Both are roughly equivalent to the following code:


export let first;
export const promise = (async () => { // (A)
  const response = await fetch('http://example.com/first.txt');
  first = await response.text();


import {promise as firstPromise, first} from './first.mjs';
import {promise as secondPromise, second} from './second.mjs';
export const promise = (async () => { // (B)
  await Promise.all([firstPromise, secondPromise]); // (C)
  assert.equal(first, 'First!');
  assert.equal(second, 'Second!');

A module becomes asynchronous if:

  1. It directly uses top-level await (first.mjs).
  2. It imports one or more asynchronous modules (main.mjs).

Each asynchronous module exports a Promise (line A and line B) that is fulfilled after its body was executed. At that point, it is safe to access the exports of that module.

In case (2), the importing module waits until the Promises of all imported asynchronous modules are fulfilled, before it enters its body (line C). Synchronous modules are handled as usually.

Awaited rejections and synchronous exceptions are managed as in async functions.

29.15.3 The pros and cons of top-level await

The two most important benefits of top-level await are:

On the downside, top-level await delays the initialization of importing modules. Therefore, it’s best used sparingly. Asynchronous tasks that take longer are better performed later, on demand.

However, even modules without top-level await can block importers (e.g. via an infinite loop at the top level), so blocking per se is not an argument against it.

29.16 Polyfills: emulating native web platform features (advanced)

Icon “details”Backends have polyfills, too

This section is about frontend development and web browsers, but similar ideas apply to backend development.

Polyfills help with a conflict that we are facing when developing a web application in JavaScript:

Given a web platform feature X:

Every time our web applications starts, it must first execute all polyfills for features that may not be available everywhere. Afterwards, we can be sure that those features are available natively.

29.16.1 Sources of this section