19. Maps and Sets
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19. Maps and Sets

19.1 Overview

Among others, the following four data structures are new in ECMAScript 6: Map, WeakMap, Set and WeakSet.

19.1.1 Maps

The keys of a Map can be arbitrary values:

> const map = new Map(); // create an empty Map
> const KEY = {};

> map.set(KEY, 123);
> map.get(KEY)
> map.has(KEY)
> map.delete(KEY);
> map.has(KEY)

You can use an Array (or any iterable) with [key, value] pairs to set up the initial data in the Map:

const map = new Map([
    [ 1, 'one' ],
    [ 2, 'two' ],
    [ 3, 'three' ], // trailing comma is ignored

19.1.2 Sets

A Set is a collection of unique elements:

const arr = [5, 1, 5, 7, 7, 5];
const unique = [...new Set(arr)]; // [ 5, 1, 7 ]

As you can see, you can initialize a Set with elements if you hand the constructor an iterable (arr in the example) over those elements.

19.1.3 WeakMaps

A WeakMap is a Map that doesn’t prevent its keys from being garbage-collected. That means that you can associate data with objects without having to worry about memory leaks. For example:

//----- Manage listeners

const _objToListeners = new WeakMap();

function addListener(obj, listener) {
    if (! _objToListeners.has(obj)) {
        _objToListeners.set(obj, new Set());

function triggerListeners(obj) {
    const listeners = _objToListeners.get(obj);
    if (listeners) {
        for (const listener of listeners) {

//----- Example: attach listeners to an object

const obj = {};
addListener(obj, () => console.log('hello'));
addListener(obj, () => console.log('world'));

//----- Example: trigger listeners


// Output:
// hello
// world

19.2 Map

JavaScript has always had a very spartan standard library. Sorely missing was a data structure for mapping values to values. The best you can get in ECMAScript 5 is a Map from strings to arbitrary values, by abusing objects. Even then there are several pitfalls that can trip you up.

The Map data structure in ECMAScript 6 lets you use arbitrary values as keys and is highly welcome.

19.2.1 Basic operations

Working with single entries:

> const map = new Map();

> map.set('foo', 123);
> map.get('foo')

> map.has('foo')
> map.delete('foo')
> map.has('foo')

Determining the size of a Map and clearing it:

> const map = new Map();
> map.set('foo', true);
> map.set('bar', false);

> map.size
> map.clear();
> map.size

19.2.2 Setting up a Map

You can set up a Map via an iterable over key-value “pairs” (Arrays with 2 elements). One possibility is to use an Array (which is iterable):

const map = new Map([
    [ 1, 'one' ],
    [ 2, 'two' ],
    [ 3, 'three' ], // trailing comma is ignored

Alternatively, the set() method is chainable:

const map = new Map()
.set(1, 'one')
.set(2, 'two')
.set(3, 'three');

19.2.3 Keys

Any value can be a key, even an object:

const map = new Map();

const KEY1 = {};
map.set(KEY1, 'hello');
console.log(map.get(KEY1)); // hello

const KEY2 = {};
map.set(KEY2, 'world');
console.log(map.get(KEY2)); // world What keys are considered equal?

Most Map operations need to check whether a value is equal to one of the keys. They do so via the internal operation SameValueZero, which works like ===, but considers NaN to be equal to itself.

Let’s first see how === handles NaN:

> NaN === NaN

Conversely, you can use NaN as a key in Maps, just like any other value:

> const map = new Map();

> map.set(NaN, 123);
> map.get(NaN)

Like ===, -0 and +0 are considered the same value. That is normally the best way to handle the two zeros (details are explained in “Speaking JavaScript”).

> map.set(-0, 123);
> map.get(+0)

Different objects are always considered different. That is something that can’t be configured (yet), as explained later, in the FAQ.

> new Map().set({}, 1).set({}, 2).size

Getting an unknown key produces undefined:

> new Map().get('asfddfsasadf')

19.2.4 Iterating over Maps

Let’s set up a Map to demonstrate how one can iterate over it.

const map = new Map([
    [false, 'no'],
    [true,  'yes'],

Maps record the order in which elements are inserted and honor that order when iterating over keys, values or entries. Iterables for keys and values

keys() returns an iterable over the keys in the Map:

for (const key of map.keys()) {
// Output:
// false
// true

values() returns an iterable over the values in the Map:

for (const value of map.values()) {
// Output:
// no
// yes Iterables for entries

entries() returns the entries of the Map as an iterable over [key,value] pairs (Arrays).

for (const entry of map.entries()) {
    console.log(entry[0], entry[1]);
// Output:
// false no
// true yes

Destructuring enables you to access the keys and values directly:

for (const [key, value] of map.entries()) {
    console.log(key, value);

The default way of iterating over a Map is entries():

> map[Symbol.iterator] === map.entries

Thus, you can make the previous code snippet even shorter:

for (const [key, value] of map) {
    console.log(key, value);
} Converting iterables (incl. Maps) to Arrays

The spread operator (...) can turn an iterable into an Array. That lets us convert the result of Map.prototype.keys() (an iterable) into an Array:

> const map = new Map().set(false, 'no').set(true, 'yes');
> [...map.keys()]
[ false, true ]

Maps are also iterable, which means that the spread operator can turn Maps into Arrays:

> const map = new Map().set(false, 'no').set(true, 'yes');
> [...map]
[ [ false, 'no' ],
  [ true, 'yes' ] ]

19.2.5 Looping over Map entries

The Map method forEach has the following signature:

Map.prototype.forEach((value, key, map) => void, thisArg?) : void

The signature of the first parameter mirrors the signature of the callback of Array.prototype.forEach, which is why the value comes first.

const map = new Map([
    [false, 'no'],
    [true,  'yes'],
map.forEach((value, key) => {
    console.log(key, value);
// Output:
// false no
// true yes

19.2.6 Mapping and filtering Maps

You can map() and filter() Arrays, but there are no such operations for Maps. The solution is:

  1. Convert the Map into an Array of [key,value] pairs.
  2. Map or filter the Array.
  3. Convert the result back to a Map.

I’ll use the following Map to demonstrate how that works.

const originalMap = new Map()
.set(1, 'a')
.set(2, 'b')
.set(3, 'c');

Mapping originalMap:

const mappedMap = new Map( // step 3
    [...originalMap] // step 1
    .map(([k, v]) => [k * 2, '_' + v]) // step 2
// Resulting Map: {2 => '_a', 4 => '_b', 6 => '_c'}

Filtering originalMap:

const filteredMap = new Map( // step 3
    [...originalMap] // step 1
    .filter(([k, v]) => k < 3) // step 2
// Resulting Map: {1 => 'a', 2 => 'b'}

Step 1 is performed by the spread operator (...) which I have explained previously.

19.2.7 Combining Maps

There are no methods for combining Maps, which is why the approach from the previous section must be used to do so.

Let’s combine the following two Maps:

const map1 = new Map()
.set(1, 'a1')
.set(2, 'b1')
.set(3, 'c1');

const map2 = new Map()
.set(2, 'b2')
.set(3, 'c2')
.set(4, 'd2');

To combine map1 and map2, I turn them into Arrays via the spread operator (...) and concatenate those Arrays. Afterwards, I convert the result back to a Map. All of that is done in the first line.

> const combinedMap = new Map([...map1, ...map2])
> [...combinedMap] // convert to Array to display
[ [ 1, 'a1' ],
  [ 2, 'b2' ],
  [ 3, 'c2' ],
  [ 4, 'd2' ] ]

19.2.8 Arbitrary Maps as JSON via Arrays of pairs

If a Map contains arbitrary (JSON-compatible) data, we can convert it to JSON by encoding it as an Array of key-value pairs (2-element Arrays). Let’s examine first how to achieve that encoding. Converting Maps to and from Arrays of pairs

The spread operator lets you convert a Map to an Array of pairs:

> const myMap = new Map().set(true, 7).set({foo: 3}, ['abc']);
> [...myMap]
[ [ true, 7 ], [ { foo: 3 }, [ 'abc' ] ] ]

The Map constructor lets you convert an Array of pairs to a Map:

> new Map([[true, 7], [{foo: 3}, ['abc']]])
Map {true => 7, Object {foo: 3} => ['abc']} The conversion to and from JSON

Let’s use this knowledge to convert any Map with JSON-compatible data to JSON and back:

function mapToJson(map) {
    return JSON.stringify([...map]);
function jsonToMap(jsonStr) {
    return new Map(JSON.parse(jsonStr));

The following interaction demonstrates how these functions are used:

> const myMap = new Map().set(true, 7).set({foo: 3}, ['abc']);

> mapToJson(myMap)

> jsonToMap('[[true,7],[{"foo":3},["abc"]]]')
Map {true => 7, Object {foo: 3} => ['abc']}

19.2.9 String Maps as JSON via objects

Whenever a Map only has strings as keys, you can convert it to JSON by encoding it as an object. Let’s examine first how to achieve that encoding. Converting a string Map to and from an object

The following two function convert string Maps to and from objects:

function strMapToObj(strMap) {
    const obj = Object.create(null);
    for (const [k,v] of strMap) {
        // We don’t escape the key '__proto__'
        // which can cause problems on older engines
        obj[k] = v;
    return obj;
function objToStrMap(obj) {
    const strMap = new Map();
    for (const k of Object.keys(obj)) {
        strMap.set(k, obj[k]);
    return strMap;

Let’s use these two functions:

> const myMap = new Map().set('yes', true).set('no', false);

> strMapToObj(myMap)
{ yes: true, no: false }

> objToStrMap({yes: true, no: false})
[ [ 'yes', true ], [ 'no', false ] ] The conversion to and from JSON

With these helper functions, the conversion to JSON works as follows:

function strMapToJson(strMap) {
    return JSON.stringify(strMapToObj(strMap));
function jsonToStrMap(jsonStr) {
    return objToStrMap(JSON.parse(jsonStr));

This is an example of using these functions:

> const myMap = new Map().set('yes', true).set('no', false);

> strMapToJson(myMap)

> jsonToStrMap('{"yes":true,"no":false}');
Map {'yes' => true, 'no' => false}

19.2.10 Map API


Handling single entries:

Handling all entries:

Iterating and looping: happens in the order in which entries were added to a Map.

19.3 WeakMap

WeakMaps work mostly like Maps, with the following differences:

The following sections explain each of these differences.

19.3.1 WeakMap keys are objects

If you add an entry to a WeakMap then the key must be an object:

const wm = new WeakMap()

wm.set('abc', 123); // TypeError
wm.set({}, 123); // OK

19.3.2 WeakMap keys are weakly held

The keys in a WeakMap are weakly held: Normally, an object that isn’t referred to by any storage location (variable, property, etc.) can be garbage-collected. WeakMap keys do not count as storage locations in that sense. In other words: an object being a key in a WeakMap does not prevent the object being garbage-collected.

Additionally, once a key is gone, its entry will also disappear (eventually, but there is no way to detect when, anyway).

19.3.3 You can’t get an overview of a WeakMap or clear it

It is impossible to inspect the innards of a WeakMap, to get an overview of them. That includes not being able to iterate over keys, values or entries. Put differently: to get content out of a WeakMap, you need a key. There is no way to clear a WeakMap, either (as a work-around, you can create a completely new instance).

These restrictions enable a security property. Quoting Mark Miller: “The mapping from weakmap/key pair value can only be observed or affected by someone who has both the weakmap and the key. With clear(), someone with only the WeakMap would’ve been able to affect the WeakMap-and-key-to-value mapping.”

Additionally, iteration would be difficult to implement, because you’d have to guarantee that keys remain weakly held.

19.3.4 Use cases for WeakMaps

WeakMaps are useful for associating data with objects whose life cycle you can’t (or don’t want to) control. In this section, we look at two examples: Caching computed results via WeakMaps

With WeakMaps, you can associate previously computed results with objects, without having to worry about memory management. The following function countOwnKeys is an example: it caches previous results in the WeakMap cache.

const cache = new WeakMap();
function countOwnKeys(obj) {
    if (cache.has(obj)) {
        return cache.get(obj);
    } else {
        const count = Object.keys(obj).length;
        cache.set(obj, count);
        return count;

If we use this function with an object obj, you can see that the result is only computed for the first invocation, while a cached value is used for the second invocation:

> const obj = { foo: 1, bar: 2};
> countOwnKeys(obj)
> countOwnKeys(obj)
2 Managing listeners

Let’s say we want to attach listeners to objects without changing the objects. You’d be able to add listeners to an object obj:

const obj = {};
addListener(obj, () => console.log('hello'));
addListener(obj, () => console.log('world'));

And you’d be able to trigger the listeners:


// Output:
// hello
// world

The two functions addListener() and triggerListeners() can be implemented as follows.

const _objToListeners = new WeakMap();

function addListener(obj, listener) {
    if (! _objToListeners.has(obj)) {
        _objToListeners.set(obj, new Set());

function triggerListeners(obj) {
    const listeners = _objToListeners.get(obj);
    if (listeners) {
        for (const listener of listeners) {

The advantage of using a WeakMap here is that, once an object is garbage-collected, its listeners will be garbage-collected, too. In other words: there won’t be any memory leaks. Keeping private data via WeakMaps

In the following code, the WeakMaps _counter and _action are used to store the data of virtual properties of instances of Countdown:

const _counter = new WeakMap();
const _action = new WeakMap();
class Countdown {
    constructor(counter, action) {
        _counter.set(this, counter);
        _action.set(this, action);
    dec() {
        let counter = _counter.get(this);
        if (counter < 1) return;
        _counter.set(this, counter);
        if (counter === 0) {

More information on this technique is given in the chapter on classes.

19.3.5 WeakMap API

The constructor and the four methods of WeakMap work the same as their Map equivalents:

new WeakMap(entries? : Iterable<[any,any]>)

WeakMap.prototype.get(key) : any
WeakMap.prototype.set(key, value) : this
WeakMap.prototype.has(key) : boolean
WeakMap.prototype.delete(key) : boolean

19.4 Set

ECMAScript 5 doesn’t have a Set data structure, either. There are two possible work-arounds:

ECMAScript 6 has the data structure Set which works for arbitrary values, is fast and handles NaN correctly.

19.4.1 Basic operations

Managing single elements:

> const set = new Set();
> set.add('red')

> set.has('red')
> set.delete('red')
> set.has('red')

Determining the size of a Set and clearing it:

> const set = new Set();
> set.add('red')
> set.add('green')

> set.size
> set.clear();
> set.size

19.4.2 Setting up a Set

You can set up a Set via an iterable over the elements that make up the Set. For example, via an Array:

const set = new Set(['red', 'green', 'blue']);

Alternatively, the add method is chainable:

const set = new Set().add('red').add('green').add('blue'); Pitfall: new Set() has at most one argument

The Set constructor has zero or one arguments:

Further arguments are ignored, which may lead to unexpected results:

> Array.from(new Set(['foo', 'bar']))
[ 'foo', 'bar' ]
> Array.from(new Set('foo', 'bar'))
[ 'f', 'o' ]

For the second Set, only 'foo' is used (which is iterable) to define the Set.

19.4.3 Comparing Set elements

As with Maps, elements are compared similarly to ===, with the exception of NaN being like any other value.

> const set = new Set([NaN]);
> set.size
> set.has(NaN)

Adding an element a second time has no effect:

> const set = new Set();

> set.add('foo');
> set.size

> set.add('foo');
> set.size

Similarly to ===, two different objects are never considered equal (which can’t currently be customized, as explained later, in the FAQ, later):

> const set = new Set();

> set.add({});
> set.size

> set.add({});
> set.size

19.4.4 Iterating

Sets are iterable and the for-of loop works as you’d expect:

const set = new Set(['red', 'green', 'blue']);
for (const x of set) {
// Output:
// red
// green
// blue

As you can see, Sets preserve iteration order. That is, elements are always iterated over in the order in which they were inserted.

The previously explained spread operator (...) works with iterables and thus lets you convert a Set to an Array:

const set = new Set(['red', 'green', 'blue']);
const arr = [...set]; // ['red', 'green', 'blue']

We now have a concise way to convert an Array to a Set and back, which has the effect of eliminating duplicates from the Array:

const arr = [3, 5, 2, 2, 5, 5];
const unique = [...new Set(arr)]; // [3, 5, 2]

19.4.5 Mapping and filtering

In contrast to Arrays, Sets don’t have the methods map() and filter(). A work-around is to convert them to Arrays and back.


const set = new Set([1, 2, 3]);
set = new Set([...set].map(x => x * 2));
// Resulting Set: {2, 4, 6}


const set = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
set = new Set([...set].filter(x => (x % 2) == 0));
// Resulting Set: {2, 4}

19.4.6 Union, intersection, difference

ECMAScript 6 Sets have no methods for computing the union (e.g. addAll), intersection (e.g. retainAll) or difference (e.g. removeAll). This section explains how to work around that limitation. Union

Union (ab): create a Set that contains the elements of both Set a and Set b.

const a = new Set([1,2,3]);
const b = new Set([4,3,2]);
const union = new Set([...a, ...b]);
    // {1,2,3,4}

The pattern is always the same:

The spread operator (...) inserts the elements of something iterable (such as a Set) into an Array. Therefore, [...a, ...b] means that a and b are converted to Arrays and concatenated. It is equivalent to [...a].concat([...b]). Intersection

Intersection (ab): create a Set that contains those elements of Set a that are also in Set b.

const a = new Set([1,2,3]);
const b = new Set([4,3,2]);
const intersection = new Set(
    [...a].filter(x => b.has(x)));
    // {2,3}

Steps: Convert a to an Array, filter the elements, convert the result to a Set. Difference

Difference (a \ b): create a Set that contains those elements of Set a that are not in Set b. This operation is also sometimes called minus (-).

const a = new Set([1,2,3]);
const b = new Set([4,3,2]);
const difference = new Set(
    [...a].filter(x => !b.has(x)));
    // {1}

19.4.7 Set API


Single Set elements:

All Set elements:

Iterating and looping:

Symmetry with Map: The following two methods only exist so that the interface of Sets is similar to the interface of Maps. Each Set element is handled as if it were a Map entry whose key and value are the element.

entries() allows you to convert a Set to a Map:

const set = new Set(['a', 'b', 'c']);
const map = new Map(set.entries());
    // Map { 'a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b', 'c' => 'c' }

19.5 WeakSet

A WeakSet is a Set that doesn’t prevent its elements from being garbage-collected. Consult the section on WeakMap for an explanation of why WeakSets don’t allow iteration, looping and clearing.

19.5.1 Use cases for WeakSets

Given that you can’t iterate over their elements, there are not that many use cases for WeakSets. They do enable you to mark objects. Marking objects created by a factory function

For example, if you have a factory function for proxies, you can use a WeakSet to record which objects were created by that factory:

const _proxies = new WeakSet();

function createProxy(obj) {
    const proxy = ···;
    return proxy;

function isProxy(obj) {
    return _proxies.has(obj);

The complete example is shown in the chapter on proxies.

_proxies must be a WeakSet, because a normal Set would prevent a proxy from being garbage-collected once it isn’t referred to, anymore. Marking objects as safe to use with a method

Domenic Denicola shows how a class Foo can ensure that its methods are only applied to instances that were created by it:

const foos = new WeakSet();

class Foo {
    constructor() {

    method() {
        if (!foos.has(this)) {
            throw new TypeError('Incompatible object!');

19.5.2 WeakSet API

The constructor and the three methods of WeakSet work the same as their Set equivalents:

new WeakSet(elements? : Iterable<any>)


19.6 FAQ: Maps and Sets

19.6.1 Why do Maps and Sets have the property size and not length?

Arrays have the property length to count the number of entries. Maps and Sets have a different property, size.

The reason for this difference is that length is for sequences, data structures that are indexable – like Arrays. size is for collections that are primarily unordered – like Maps and Sets.

19.6.2 Why can’t I configure how Maps and Sets compare keys and values?

It would be nice if there were a way to configure what Map keys and what Set elements are considered equal. But that feature has been postponed, as it is difficult to implement properly and efficiently.

19.6.3 Is there a way to specify a default value when getting something out of a Map?

If you use a key to get something out of a Map, you’d occasionally like to specify a default value that is returned if the key is not in the Map. ES6 Maps don’t let you do this directly. But you can use the Or operator (||), as demonstrated in the following code. countChars returns a Map that maps characters to numbers of occurrences.

function countChars(chars) {
    const charCounts = new Map();
    for (const ch of chars) {
        ch = ch.toLowerCase();
        const prevCount = charCounts.get(ch) || 0; // (A)
        charCounts.set(ch, prevCount+1);
    return charCounts;

In line A, the default 0 is used if ch is not in the charCounts and get() returns undefined.

19.6.4 When should I use a Map, when an object?

If you map anything other than strings to any kind of data, you have no choice: you must use a Map.

If, however, you are mapping strings to arbitrary data, you must decide whether or not to use an object. A rough general guideline is:

19.6.5 When would I use an object as a key in a Map?

Map keys mainly make sense if they are compared by value (the same “content” means that two values are considered equal, not the same identity). That excludes objects. There is one use case – externally attaching data to objects, but that use case is better served by WeakMaps where an entry goes away when the key disappears.

Next: 20. Typed Arrays