It took a long time to finish it, but ECMAScript 6, the next version of JavaScript, is finally a reality:
The next sections explain concepts that are important in the world of ES6.
TC39 (Ecma Technical Committee 39) is the committee that evolves JavaScript. Its members are companies (among others, all major browser vendors). TC39 meets regularly, its meetings are attended by delegates that members send and by invited experts. Minutes of the meetings are available online and give you a good idea of how TC39 works.
The ECMAScript 6 design process centers on proposals for features. Proposals are often triggered by suggestions from the developer community. To avoid design by committee, proposals are maintained by champions (1–2 committee delegates).
A proposal goes through the following steps before it becomes a standard:
[Source of this section: “The Harmony Process” by David Herman.]
Starting with ECMAScript 2016 (ES7), TC39 will time-box releases. A new version of ECMAScript will be released every year, with whatever features are ready at that time. That means that from now on, ECMAScript versions will be relatively small upgrades. For more information on the new process, including finished and upcoming feature proposals, consult the GitHub repository ecma262
JavaScript is what everyone calls the language, but that name is trademarked (by Oracle, which inherited the trademark from Sun). Therefore, the official name of JavaScript is ECMAScript. That name comes from the standards organization Ecma, which manages the language standard. Since ECMAScript’s inception, the name of the organization has changed from the acronym “ECMA” to the proper name “Ecma”.
Versions of JavaScript are defined by specifications that carry the official name of the language. Hence, the first standard version of JavaScript is ECMAScript 1 which is short for “ECMAScript Language Specification, Edition 1”. ECMAScript x is often abbreviated ESx.
The stake holders on the web are:
These groups have remarkably little control over each other. That’s why upgrading a web language is so challenging.
On one hand, upgrading engines is challenging, because they are confronted with all kinds of code on the web, some of which is very old. You also want engine upgrades to be automatic and unnoticeable for users. Therefore, ES6 is a superset of ES5, nothing is removed1. ES6 upgrades the language without introducing versions or modes. It even manages to make strict mode the de-facto default (via modules), without increasing the rift between it and sloppy mode. The approach that was taken is called “One JavaScript” and explained in a separate chapter.
On the other hand, upgrading code is challenging, because your code must run on all JavaScript engines that are used by your target audience. Therefore, if you want to use ES6 in your code, you only have two choices: You can either wait until no one in your target audience uses a non-ES6 engine, anymore. That will take years; mainstream audiences were at that point w.r.t. ES5 when ES6 became a standard in June 2015. And ES5 was standardized in December 2009! Or you can compile ES6 to ES5 and use it now. More information on how to do that is given in the book “Setting up ES6”, which is free to read online.
Goals and requirements clash in the design of ES6:
The original project page for Harmony/ES6 mentions several goals. In the following subsections, I’m taking a look at some of them.
The goal is: Be a better language for writing:
Sub-goal (i) acknowledges that applications written in JavaScript have grown huge. A key ES6 feature fulfilling this goal is built-in modules.
Modules are also an answer to goal (ii). As an aside, the DOM is notoriously difficult to implement in JavaScript. ES6 Proxies should help here.
Several features were mainly added to make it easier to compile to JavaScript. Two examples are:
– rounding Numbers to 32 bit floatsMath.imul()
– multiplying two 32 bit intsThey are both useful for, e.g., compiling C/C++ to JavaScript via Emscripten.
The goal is: Improve interoperation, adopting de facto standards where possible.
Examples are:
The goal is: Keep versioning as simple and linear as possible.
As mentioned previously, ES6 avoids versioning via “One JavaScript”: In an ES6 code base, everything is ES6, there are no parts that are ES5-specific.
The introduction of the ES6 specification lists all new features:
Some of [ECMAScript 6’s] major enhancements include modules, class declarations, lexical block scoping, iterators and generators, promises for asynchronous programming, destructuring patterns, and proper tail calls. The ECMAScript library of built-ins has been expanded to support additional data abstractions including maps, sets, and arrays of binary numeric values as well as additional support for Unicode supplemental characters in strings and regular expressions. The built-ins are now extensible via subclassing.
There are three major categories of features:
This section describes what happened on the road to ECMAScript 6.
Work on ES4 started after the release of ES3 in 1999. In 2003, an interim report was released after which work on ES4 paused. Subsets of the language described in the interim report were implemented by Adobe (in ActionScript) and by Microsoft (in JScript.NET).
In February 2005, Jesse James Garrett observed that a combination of techniques had become popular for implementing dynamic frontend apps in JavaScript. He called those techniques Ajax. Ajax enabled a completely new class of web apps and led to a surge of interest in JavaScript.
That may have contributed to TC39 resuming work on ES4 in fall 2005. They based ES4 on ES3, the interim ES4 report and experiences with ActionScript and JScript.NET.
There were now two groups working on future ECMAScript versions:
The two groups disagreed on the future of JavaScript and tensions between them continued to increase.
At the end of July 2008, there was a TC39 meeting in Oslo, whose outcome was described as follows by Brendan Eich:
It’s no secret that the JavaScript standards body, Ecma’s Technical Committee 39, has been split for over a year, with some members favoring ES4 […] and others advocating ES3.1 […]. Now, I’m happy to report, the split is over.
The agreement that was worked out at the meeting consisted of four points:
Thus: The ES4 group agreed to make Harmony less radical than ES4, the rest of TC39 agreed to keep moving things forward.
The next versions of ECMAScript are: