Tackling TypeScript
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23 An overview of computing with types

In this chapter, we explore how we can compute with types at compile time in TypeScript.

Note that the focus of this chapter is on learning how to compute with types. Therefore, we’ll use literal types a lot and the examples are less practically relevant.

23.1 Types as metavalues

Consider the following two levels of TypeScript code:

The type level is a metalevel of the program level.

Level Available at Operands Operations
Program level Runtime Values Functions
Type level Compile time Specific types Generic types

What does it mean that we can compute with types? The following code is an example:

type ObjectLiteralType = {
  first: 1,
  second: 2,

// %inferred-type: "first" | "second"
type Result = keyof ObjectLiteralType; // (A)

In line A, we are taking the following steps:

At the type level we can compute with the following “values”:

type ObjectLiteralType = {
  prop1: string,
  prop2: number,

interface InterfaceType {
  prop1: string;
  prop2: number;

type TupleType = [boolean, bigint];

//::::: Nullish types and literal types :::::
// Same syntax as values, but they are all types!

type UndefinedType = undefined;
type NullType = null;

type BooleanLiteralType = true;
type NumberLiteralType = 12.34;
type BigIntLiteralType = 1234n;
type StringLiteralType = 'abc';

23.2 Generic types: factories for types

Generic types are functions at the metalevel – for example:

type Wrap<T> = [T];

The generic type Wrap<> has the parameter T. Its result is T, wrapped in a tuple type. This is how we use this metafunction:

// %inferred-type: [string]
type Wrapped = Wrap<string>;

We pass the parameter string to Wrap<> and give the result the alias Wrapped. The result is a tuple type with a single component – the type string.

23.3 Union types and intersection types

23.3.1 Union types (|)

The type operator | is used to create union types:

type A = 'a' | 'b' | 'c';
type B = 'b' | 'c' | 'd';

// %inferred-type: "a" | "b" | "c" | "d"
type Union = A | B;

If we view type A and type B as sets, then A | B is the set-theoretic union of these sets. Put differently: The members of the result are members of at least one of the operands.

Syntactically, we can also put a | in front of the first component of a union type. That is convenient when a type definition spans multiple lines:

type A =
  | 'a'
  | 'b'
  | 'c'
; Unions as collections of metavalues

TypeScript represents collections of metavalues as unions of literal types. We have already seen an example of that:

type Obj = {
  first: 1,
  second: 2,

// %inferred-type: "first" | "second"
type Result = keyof Obj;

We’ll soon see type-level operations for looping over such collections. Unions of object types

Due to each member of a union type being a member of at least one of the component types, we can only safely access properties that are shared by all component types (line A). To access any other property, we need a type guard (line B):

type ObjectTypeA = {
  propA: bigint,
  sharedProp: string,
type ObjectTypeB = {
  propB: boolean,
  sharedProp: string,

type Union = ObjectTypeA | ObjectTypeB;

function func(arg: Union) {
  // string
  arg.sharedProp; // (A) OK
  // @ts-expect-error: Property 'propB' does not exist on type 'Union'.
  arg.propB; // error

  if ('propB' in arg) { // (B) type guard
    // ObjectTypeB

    // boolean

23.3.2 Intersection types (&)

The type operator & is used to create intersection types:

type A = 'a' | 'b' | 'c';
type B = 'b' | 'c' | 'd';

// %inferred-type: "b" | "c"
type Intersection = A & B;

If we view type A and type B as sets, then A & B is the set-theoretic intersection of these sets. Put differently: The members of the result are members of both operands. Intersections of object types

The intersection of two object types has the properties of both types:

type Obj1 = { prop1: boolean };
type Obj2 = { prop2: number };
type Both = {
  prop1: boolean,
  prop2: number,

// Type Obj1 & Obj2 is assignable to type Both
// %inferred-type: true
type IntersectionHasBothProperties = IsAssignableTo<Obj1 & Obj2, Both>;

(The generic type IsAssignableTo<> is explained later.) Using intersection types for mixins

If we are mixin in an object type Named into another type Obj, then we need an intersection type (line A):

interface Named {
  name: string;
function addName<Obj extends object>(obj: Obj, name: string)
  : Obj & Named // (A)
  const namedObj = obj as (Obj & Named);
  namedObj.name = name;
  return namedObj;

const obj = {
  last: 'Doe',

// %inferred-type: { last: string; } & Named
const namedObj = addName(obj, 'Jane');

23.4 Control flow

23.4.1 Conditional types

A conditional type has the following syntax:

«Type2» extends «Type1» ? «ThenType» : «ElseType»

If Type2 is assignable to Type1, then the result of this type expression is ThenType. Otherwise, it is ElseType. Example: only wrapping types that have the property .length

In the following example, Wrap<> only wraps types in one-element tuples if they have the property .length whose values are numbers:

type Wrap<T> = T extends { length: number } ? [T] : T;

// %inferred-type: [string]
type A = Wrap<string>;

// %inferred-type: RegExp
type B = Wrap<RegExp>; Example: checking assignability

We can use a conditional type to implement an assignability check:

type IsAssignableTo<A, B> = A extends B ? true : false;

// Type `123` is assignable to type `number`
// %inferred-type: true
type Result1 = IsAssignableTo<123, number>;

// Type `number` is not assignable to type `123`
// %inferred-type: false
type Result2 = IsAssignableTo<number, 123>;

For more information on the type relationship assignability, see [content not included]. Conditional types are distributive

Conditional types are distributive: Applying a conditional type C to a union type U is the same as the union of applying C to each component of U. This is an example:

type Wrap<T> = T extends { length: number } ? [T] : T;

// %inferred-type: boolean | [string] | [number[]]
type C1 = Wrap<boolean | string | number[]>;

// Equivalent:
type C2 = Wrap<boolean> | Wrap<string> | Wrap<number[]>;

In other words, distributivity enables us to “loop” over the components of a union type.

This is another example of distributivity:

type AlwaysWrap<T> = T extends any ? [T] : [T];

// %inferred-type: ["a"] | ["d"] | [{ a: 1; } & { b: 2; }]
type Result = AlwaysWrap<'a' | ({ a: 1 } & { b: 2 }) | 'd'>; With distributive conditional types, we use type never to ignore things

Interpreted as a set, type never is empty. Therefore, if it appears in a union type, it is ignored:

// %inferred-type: "a" | "b"
type Result = 'a' | 'b' | never;

That means we can use never to ignore components of a union type:

type DropNumbers<T> = T extends number ? never : T;

// %inferred-type: "a" | "b"
type Result1 = DropNumbers<1 | 'a' | 2 | 'b'>;

This is what happens if we swap the type expressions of the then-branch and the else-branch:

type KeepNumbers<T> = T extends number ? T : never;

// %inferred-type: 1 | 2
type Result2 = KeepNumbers<1 | 'a' | 2 | 'b'>; Built-in utility type: Exclude<T, U>

Excluding types from a union is such a common operation that TypeScript provides the built-in utility type Exclude<T, U>:

 * Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U
type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T;

// %inferred-type: "a" | "b"
type Result1 = Exclude<1 | 'a' | 2 | 'b', number>;

// %inferred-type: "a" | 2
type Result2 = Exclude<1 | 'a' | 2 | 'b', 1 | 'b' | 'c'>; Built-in utility type: Extract<T, U>

The inverse of Exclude<T, U> is Extract<T, U>:

 * Extract from T those types that are assignable to U
type Extract<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never;

// %inferred-type: 1 | 2
type Result1 = Extract<1 | 'a' | 2 | 'b', number>;

// %inferred-type: 1 | "b"
type Result2 = Extract<1 | 'a' | 2 | 'b', 1 | 'b' | 'c'>; Chaining conditional types

Similarly to JavaScript’s ternary operator, we can also chain TypeScript’s conditional type operator:

type LiteralTypeName<T> =
  T extends undefined ? "undefined" :
  T extends null ? "null" :
  T extends boolean ? "boolean" :
  T extends number ? "number" :
  T extends bigint ? "bigint" :
  T extends string ? "string" :

// %inferred-type: "bigint"
type Result1 = LiteralTypeName<123n>;

// %inferred-type: "string" | "number" | "boolean"
type Result2 = LiteralTypeName<true | 1 | 'a'>; infer and conditional types



type ReturnType<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => infer R ? R : any;


type Syncify<Interf> = {
    [K in keyof Interf]:
        Interf[K] extends (...args: any[]) => Promise<infer Result>
        ? (...args: Parameters<Interf[K]>) => Result
        : Interf[K];

// Example:

interface AsyncInterface {
    compute(arg: number): Promise<boolean>;
    createString(): Promise<String>;

type SyncInterface = Syncify<AsyncInterface>;
    // type SyncInterface = {
    //     compute: (arg: number) => boolean;
    //     createString: () => String;
    // }

23.4.2 Mapped types

A mapped type produces an object by looping over a collection of keys – for example:

// %inferred-type: { a: number; b: number; c: number; }
type Result = {
  [K in 'a' | 'b' | 'c']: number

The operator in is a crucial part of a mapped type: It specifies where the keys for the new object literal type come from. Built-in utility type: Pick<T, K>

The following built-in utility type lets us create a new object by specifying which properties of an existing object type we want to keep:

 * From T, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union K
type Pick<T, K extends keyof T> = {
  [P in K]: T[P];

It is used as follows:

type ObjectLiteralType = {
  eeny: 1,
  meeny: 2,
  miny: 3,
  moe: 4,

// %inferred-type: { eeny: 1; miny: 3; }
type Result = Pick<ObjectLiteralType, 'eeny' | 'miny'>; Built-in utility type: Omit<T, K>

The following built-in utility type lets us create a new object type by specifying which properties of an existing object type we want to omit:

 * Construct a type with the properties of T except for those in type K.
type Omit<T, K extends keyof any> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;


Omit<> is used as follows:

type ObjectLiteralType = {
  eeny: 1,
  meeny: 2,
  miny: 3,
  moe: 4,

// %inferred-type: { meeny: 2; moe: 4; }
type Result = Omit<ObjectLiteralType, 'eeny' | 'miny'>;

23.5 Various other operators

23.5.1 The index type query operator keyof

We have already encountered the type operator keyof. It lists the property keys of an object type:

type Obj = {
  0: 'a',
  1: 'b',
  prop0: 'c',
  prop1: 'd',

// %inferred-type: 0 | 1 | "prop0" | "prop1"
type Result = keyof Obj;

Applying keyof to a tuple type has a result that may be somewhat unexpected:

// number | "0" | "1" | "2" | "length" | "pop" | "push" | ···
type Result = keyof ['a', 'b', 'c'];

The result includes:

The property keys of an empty object literal type are the empty set never:

// %inferred-type: never
type Result = keyof {};

This is how keyof handles intersection types and union types:

type A = { a: number, shared: string };
type B = { b: number, shared: string };

// %inferred-type: "a" | "b" | "shared"
type Result1 = keyof (A & B);

// %inferred-type: "shared"
type Result2 = keyof (A | B);

This makes sense if we remember that A & B has the properties of both type A and type B. A and B only have property .shared in common, which explains Result2.

23.5.2 The indexed access operator T[K]

The indexed access operator T[K] returns the types of all properties of T whose keys are assignable to type K. T[K] is also called a lookup type.

These are examples of the operator being used:

type Obj = {
  0: 'a',
  1: 'b',
  prop0: 'c',
  prop1: 'd',

// %inferred-type: "a" | "b"
type Result1 = Obj[0 | 1];

// %inferred-type: "c" | "d"
type Result2 = Obj['prop0' | 'prop1'];

// %inferred-type: "a" | "b" | "c" | "d"
type Result3 = Obj[keyof Obj];

The type in brackets must be assignable to the type of all property keys (as computed by keyof). That’s why Obj[number] and Obj[string] are not allowed. However, we can use number and string as index types if the indexed type has an index signature (line A):

type Obj = {
  [key: string]: RegExp, // (A)

// %inferred-type: string | number
type KeysOfObj = keyof Obj;

// %inferred-type: RegExp
type ValuesOfObj = Obj[string];

KeysOfObj includes the type number because number keys are a subset of string keys in JavaScript (and therefore in TypeScript).

Tuple types also support indexed access:

type Tuple = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];

// %inferred-type:  "a" | "b"
type Elements = Tuple[0 | 1];

The bracket operator is also distributive:

type MyType = { prop: 1 } | { prop: 2 } | { prop: 3 };

// %inferred-type: 1 | 2 | 3
type Result1 = MyType['prop'];

// Equivalent:
type Result2 =
  | { prop: 1 }['prop']
  | { prop: 2 }['prop']
  | { prop: 3 }['prop']

23.5.3 The type query operator typeof

The type operator typeof converts a (JavaScript) value to its (TypeScript) type. Its operand must be an identifier or a sequence of dot-separated identifiers:

const str = 'abc';

// %inferred-type: "abc"
type Result = typeof str;

The first 'abc' is a value, while the second "abc" is its type, a string literal type.

This is another example of using typeof:

const func = (x: number) => x + x;
// %inferred-type: (x: number) => number
type Result = typeof func;

§14.1.2 “Adding a symbol to a type” describes an interesting use case for typeof.