The homepage of “Tackling TypeScript” is
This book consists of two parts:
This book is not a reference, it is meant to complement the official TypeScript handbook.
Required knowledge: You must know JavaScript. If you want to refresh your knowledge: My book “JavaScript for impatient programmers” is free to read online.
If you buy this book, you get:
On the homepage of this book, there are extensive previews for all versions of this book.
Reading instructions
Explains how to best read the content (in which order, what to omit, etc.).
External content
Points to additional, external, content.
Git repository
Mentions a relevant Git repository.
Gives a tip.
Asks and answers a question (think FAQ).
Warns about a pitfall, etc.
Provides additional details, similar to a footnote.
People who contributed to this book are acknowledged in the chapters.