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15 Operators

15.1 Making sense of operators

JavaScript’s operators may seem quirky. With the following two rules, they are easier to understand:

15.1.1 Operators coerce their operands to appropriate types

If an operator gets operands that don’t have the proper types, it rarely throws an exception. Instead, it coerces (automatically converts) the operands so that it can work with them. Let’s look at two examples.

First, the multiplication operator can only work with numbers. Therefore, it converts strings to numbers before computing its result.

> '7' * '3'

Second, the square brackets operator ([ ]) for accessing the properties of an object can only handle strings and symbols. All other values are coerced to string:

const obj = {};
obj['true'] = 123;

// Coerce true to the string 'true'
assert.equal(obj[true], 123);

15.1.2 Most operators only work with primitive values

As mentioned before, most operators only work with primitive values. If an operand is an object, it is usually coerced to a primitive value – for example:

> [1,2,3] + [4,5,6]

Why? The plus operator first coerces its operands to primitive values:

> String([1,2,3])
> String([4,5,6])

Next, it concatenates the two strings:

> '1,2,3' + '4,5,6'

15.2 The plus operator (+)

The plus operator works as follows in JavaScript:

String mode lets us use + to assemble strings:

> 'There are ' + 3 + ' items'
'There are 3 items'

Number mode means that if neither operand is a string (or an object that becomes a string) then everything is coerced to numbers:

> 4 + true

Number(true) is 1.

15.3 Assignment operators

15.3.1 The plain assignment operator

The plain assignment operator is used to change storage locations:

x = value; // assign to a previously declared variable
obj.propKey = value; // assign to a property
arr[index] = value; // assign to an Array element

Initializers in variable declarations can also be viewed as a form of assignment:

const x = value;
let y = value;

15.3.2 Compound assignment operators

JavaScript supports the following assignment operators: Logical assignment operators [ES2021]

Logical assignment operators work differently from other compound assignment operators:

Assignment operatorEquivalent toOnly assigns if a is
a ||= ba || (a = b)Falsy
a &&= ba && (a = b)Truthy
a ??= ba ?? (a = b)Nullish

Why is a ||= b equivalent to the following expression?

a || (a = b)

Why not to this expression?

a = a || b

The former expression has the benefit of short-circuiting: The assignment is only evaluated if a evaluates to false. Therefore, the assignment is only performed if it’s necessary. In contrast, the latter expression always performs an assignment.

For more on ??=, see “The nullish coalescing assignment operator (??=)” (§16.4.5). The remaining compound assignment operators

For operators op other than || && ??, the following two ways of assigning are equivalent:

myvar op= value
myvar = myvar op value

If, for example, op is +, then we get the operator += that works as follows.

let str = '';
str += '<b>';
str += 'Hello!';
str += '</b>';

assert.equal(str, '<b>Hello!</b>');

15.4 Equality: == vs. ===

JavaScript has two kinds of equality operators: loose equality (==) and strict equality (===). The recommendation is to always use the latter.

Icon “details”Other names for == and ===

15.4.1 Loose equality (== and !=)

Loose equality is one of JavaScript’s quirks. It often coerces operands. Some of those coercions make sense:

> '123' == 123
> false == 0

Others less so:

> '' == 0

Objects are coerced to primitives if (and only if!) the other operand is primitive:

> [1, 2, 3] == '1,2,3'
> ['1', '2', '3'] == '1,2,3'

If both operands are objects, they are only equal if they are the same object:

> [1, 2, 3] == ['1', '2', '3']
> [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]

> const arr = [1, 2, 3];
> arr == arr

Lastly, == considers undefined and null to be equal:

> undefined == null

15.4.2 Strict equality (=== and !==)

Strict equality never coerces. Two values are only equal if they have the same type. Let’s revisit our previous interaction with the == operator and see what the === operator does:

> false === 0
> '123' === 123

An object is only equal to another value if that value is the same object:

> [1, 2, 3] === '1,2,3'
> ['1', '2', '3'] === '1,2,3'

> [1, 2, 3] === ['1', '2', '3']
> [1, 2, 3] === [1, 2, 3]

> const arr = [1, 2, 3];
> arr === arr

The === operator does not consider undefined and null to be equal:

> undefined === null

15.4.3 Recommendation: always use strict equality

I recommend to always use ===. It makes your code easier to understand and spares you from having to think about the quirks of ==.

Let’s look at two use cases for == and what I recommend to do instead. Use case for ==: comparing with a number or a string

== lets you check if a value x is a number or that number as a string – with a single comparison:

if (x == 123) {
  // x is either 123 or '123'

I prefer either of the following two alternatives:

if (x === 123 || x === '123') ···
if (Number(x) === 123) ···

You can also convert x to a number when you first encounter it. Use case for ==: comparing with undefined or null

Another use case for == is to check if a value x is either undefined or null:

if (x == null) {
  // x is either null or undefined

The problem with this code is that you can’t be sure if someone meant to write it that way or if they made a typo and meant === null.

I prefer either of the following two alternatives:

if (x === undefined || x === null) ···
if (!x) ···

A downside of the second alternative is that it accepts values other than undefined and null, but it is a well-established pattern in JavaScript (to be explained in detail in “Truthiness-based existence checks” (§17.3)).

The following three conditions are also roughly equivalent:

if (x != null) ···
if (x !== undefined && x !== null) ···
if (x) ···

15.4.4 Even stricter than ===: Object.is()

Method Object.is() compares two values:

> Object.is(123, 123)
> Object.is(123, '123')

It is even stricter than ===. For example, it considers NaN, the error value for computations involving numbers, to be equal to itself:

> Object.is(NaN, NaN)
> NaN === NaN

That is occasionally useful. For example, you can use it to implement an improved version of the Array method .indexOf():

const myIndexOf = (arr, elem) => {
  return arr.findIndex(x => Object.is(x, elem));

myIndexOf() finds NaN in an Array, while .indexOf() doesn’t:

> myIndexOf([0,NaN,2], NaN)
> [0,NaN,2].indexOf(NaN)

The result -1 means that .indexOf() couldn’t find its argument in the Array.

15.5 Ordering operators

<less than
<=Less than or equal
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal

Table 15.1: JavaScript’s ordering operators.

JavaScript’s ordering operators (table 15.1) work for both numbers and strings:

> 5 >= 2
> 'bar' < 'foo'

<= and >= are based on strict equality.

Icon “warning”The ordering operators don’t work well for human languages

The ordering operators don’t work well for comparing text in a human language, e.g., when capitalization or accents are involved. The details are explained in “Comparing strings” (§22.6).

15.6 Various other operators

The following operators are covered elsewhere in this book:

The next two subsections discuss two operators that are rarely used.

15.6.1 Comma operator

The comma operator has two operands, evaluates both of them and returns the second one:

> 'a', 'b'

For more information on this operator, see Speaking JavaScript.

15.6.2 void operator

The void operator evaluates its operand and returns undefined:

> void (3 + 2)

For more information on this operator, see Speaking JavaScript.